Questions To Ask Yourself Before Making A Decision About LASIK


Today, we’re discussing the questions you need to carefully consider when weighing your decision about LASIK. It’s an important decision and you want to make sure you are making an informed one. The Refractive Surgery Council suggests you ask yourself the following three questions:

Do I fully understand the different kinds of laser vision correction that are available?

There are several different kinds of laser vision correction. Most people opt for LASIK, which involves making a flap in the cornea with a laser so the vision correction takes place below the surface. But people who play certain kinds of contact sports may opt for a different approach that uses the laser to reshape the surface of the eye itself. You and your surgeon will decide together what the right vision correction technique is for you.

 Do I understand what LASIK can and can’t do for me?

LASIK produces remarkable results – excellent vision that’s always available, without the hassle of eyeglasses or contact lenses. But there are things it can’t do. It can’t give you better than perfect vision. And having LASIK doesn’t mean that you’ll never need glasses. After LASIK, your eyes continue to age, and you might need reading glasses at some point in the future.

Am I sure I’m a good candidate for LASIK?

Millions of people have benefited from LASIK. But not everyone can. In fact, almost 20 percent of people turn out to be poor candidates for LASIK. This is usually the result of a medical or physical condition – they may have corneas that are too thin or irregular in shape, or take medications that might interfere with healing. Or they may simply have unrealistic expectations for what LASIK can do. Thanks to the latest technology, many people who once didn’t qualify for LASIK can now have the procedure. Your surgeon will tell you whether you’re a good candidate or not.

Published November 30, 2015
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